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Parenting Without Power Struggles

Sep 24, 2019

Susan talks with Christina McGhee, author of Parenting Apart, about how to address challenges associated with helping a child adjust after divorce. The discussion includes managing transitions, offloading a child's feelings in healthy ways, and ensuring kids don't get overloaded with parents' own difficult emotions.

Sep 17, 2019

Susan chats with Janell Burley Hofmann, author of iRules: What Every Tech-Healthy Family Needs to Know About Selfies, Sexting, Gaming and Growing Up. Susan and Janell talk about how to incorporate technology into family life in ways that preserve connection and encourage engagement with the real, 3D world. Loaded with...

Sep 10, 2019

Susan talks with Wendy Behary, author of Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed. Susan and Wendy discuss challenges associated with co-parenting with someone who has narcissistic tendencies, including an absence of empathy, a sense of entitlement, and a focus on attention...